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Ha Ti , hunjaim tudtok élni tehetségetekkel , bölcsesség dolgában Európa egy népénél sem lesztek hátrább....

                                 The route of the raindrops through Europe


Once upon a time, there was a cloud blown by Exy, the elf, from continent to continent. This cloud was so full of water that on a dark, foggy day it started raining. The eight tiny drops, who were friends, had to separate, and they landed in different countries, in Finland, Lithuania, Germany, England, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Spain. They discovered these beautiful countries but were unhappy at the same time because of the absence of the others. The Finnish drop was lonely and desired the company of his friends, so decided to go along rivers to find the ones he had had such a great time. He wasn’t lonely for long, because around the Baltic Sea he met the Lithuanian drop. They were very happy and they became even happier when they followed their journey and met the Polish drop. Arriving at the Northern Sea, accompanied them the drop that was in Germany. Continuing their journey, they got to the white cliffs of Dover where their team was expended by the English drop. All five of them were happy, but still missed the others far from them. Meanwhile the other three drops lived their unhappy life. They were very heavy-hearted. The Hungarian drop set out for a long tour, hoping to meet his friends. It had to go a long way along the river Danube to get to the Black Sea. At that point, the harder part of his journey was facing him. He travelled to the Aegean Sea through the Bosporus and Dardanelles, and then it arrived to the Mediterranean Sea. He was pleased to meet the also lonely Italian raindrop. They went on together till they saw wild monkeys playing at the shores of Gibraltar. They got really frightened about being separated because of the silliness of the animals. They could barely slip through the fingers of the monkeys to continue their trip to the Atlantic Ocean to meet the Spanish drop. It was lonely for a long-long time ago, and became happy again only at the moment he joined the Hungarian and Italian drops and together they found the others. The Sun shone again and they realized that they can meet anytime anywhere, they don’t have to worry about separation, and even though the road is long, at the end, they will be together.


Written by : Bosányi Zsófia and Román-Párducz Rebeka

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