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Vízzel Kapcsolatos

Tündérmesék és Legendák



És Mesekönyv borító

Mesekönyv borító

Spanyol zászló      Breogan´s Tower

Breogán was the powerful boss of one of those Artabric tribus that inhabited Galician land, on its central part on the north coast, when the Celts settled down, thousands of years after the Roman invasion took place in our country. On a small island that nowadays is united to the modern part of A Coruña, built over sand, the old city that Breogán governed existed. Wicker boats covered by leather were in San Amaros´port. Near there, in one of the banks that makes a little hill, Breogán ordered to build a big tower on the part of the island closest to the open sea .That tower might be the guide of sailors and it might also, by making fire on the top, show some signals in big distances at night, like for example the arrival of those big Phoenicians´ boats which came to trade with Galicians, a meeting order, a danger that threatened, or things like that. One afternoon, Ith, Breogán´s son, went up to the top of the tower and scanned the horizon. There, in the confines, he seemed to see between the mists of the distance another unknown land. The desire of knowing what there would be in that one ignored place until then, pushed him to the adventure. He asked consent to his father to organize an expedition. It could be that across the sea there were stones that were melted to make weapons and tools, the precious yellow metal with which they made jewellery styling, perhaps delicious fruits or seeds similar to barley, rye, or even better for maintenance, wood, linen to knit their clothes, other animals, other people... The expedition was done: Before the expedition, Breogán recommended his son to do the travel riding his horse, without getting off until he arrived; only thus he would have the certainty of being able to return happily. And this way the Celts in Galicia took their civilization to Ireland. For that reason the same castros of circular houses are in Ireland and in Galicia, and precious golden torques, and similar names of rivers and places…and even the bagpipe, with similar songs.

Litván zászló    Egle, the queen of the grass – snakes

Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman. They had twelve sons and three daughters. The youngest daughter‘s name was Egle. One summer evening, after a swim in the sea, the youngest daughter found a grass-snake lying curled in the sleeve of her shirt‘s. He said he would give the shirt back to her if she agreed to marry him. Egle didn‘t want to marry the grass-snake, she cried and refused, but the grass-snake insisted and at last Egle promised to marry him. In a few days she left her parents‘ house with a retinue of grass-snakes.On the shore of the sea she was met by a handsome young man who was the same grass-snake who had lain curled in her shirt‘s sleeve. They crossed in a boat to an island nearby and from there they descended to a beautiful palace at the bottom of the sea where they celebrated their wedding. The life in the palace was rich. Egle cheered up and at last she forgot her homeland altogether. She gave birth to three sons – Azhuolas ( Oak ), Uosis ( Ash Tree ) and Berzhas (Birch ) and a daughter Drebule (Asp ), who was the youngest. Nine years passed and once her oldest son asked her where her parents were and said he would like to visit them. Egle remembered her family but Grass-snake wouldn‘t let her go. He asked her first to accomplish three tasks. At first she was given a silk tow to spin. Egle span and span but she could never finish it. Then she approached an old wise woman for advice. The woman advised her to throw the tow into fire. And really, when the silk burnt, Egle saw a toad which had been producing new and new silk as Egle spun the tow. Her second task was to wear off iron shoes.Egle accomplished this task when, on the advce of the wise old woman again, she took them to a black smith, who burnt them in the foundry. Her third task was to bake a pie. Since the Grass-snake had given orders to hide all the vessels in the kingdom, Egle couldn‘t even bring water for the pie. On the advice of the old wise woman she filled the holes of a sieve with laeven, brought some water from the well in it and made a pie. She said good-bye to her husband on the sea shore. He asked her to return after nine days and they agreed that when she came back she would call her husband out of the sea by saying: Zhilvine, Zhilvinel, If alive you are, milk white is the foam of the wave, If dead you are, blood-red is the foam of the wave! The Grass-snake also asked them not to tell his name to anyone. So, together with her children she departed for her parents‘ house. The children were happy to see the sun, flowers,birds... Egle had a very good time at her parents‘ house and the time alloted for her visit by her husband slipped imperceptibly by. Her brothers wanted to keep their sister Egle on land, they didn‘t want her return to the sea. So they decided to kill the Grass-snake. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn‘t get the password out of her sons. But the youngest daughter Drebule ( Asp ) blurted it out as soon as the uncles threatened to flog her. So, Egles brothers, without telling their sister, took their scythes, went to the sea, called Zhilvinas and cut him to death. When Egle and her children came back to the seashore and called Grass-snake, they saw blood-covered waves rolling to the shore and back to the sea. Egle shouted: Zhilvine,Zhilvineli, stop, please, wait, who betrayed your name?! And they heard Grass-snake‘s voice from the bottom of the sea informing them about the betrayal. The evening was dark and windy and they had nowhere to go,so in her pain Egle turned her sons into strong trees – oak, ash tree and birch. And she turned her daughter into a quivering asp,“ Let the storms and winds pull and comb your hair, let the rain wash your face but not a single bird will sit on your branches and twitter“. She herself turned into a fir tree.

A Lithuanian fairy-tale

        How Bear Lost His Tail

Not so long ago bears, the mighty kings of forest, used to be friendly to everyone. Whenever another animal came near, they would wag their long, beautiful, furry tails in a friendly manner. Every autumn, just before the time of hibernation, the animals of the forest gathered together to have the annual Fur and tail –competition, which Bear would win year after year with his thick, furry tail. This made Fox feel very envy because her tail was just as beautiful and furry as Bears’ tail, it just wasn’t long enough to cause competition between the two of them. One bright and cold winter day, an old fisherman had left a number of fish hanging on a string in the water to keep them fresh. An agile, sly Fox saw those tasty fish and stole them when the fisherman wasn't looking. On her way to her den Fox saw Bear, who had woken from his hibernation, sitting by the trail. Bear saw Fox and wagged his tail in a friendly way. Having woken from the hibernation was feeling very hungry and he sure liked the smell of those savoury fresh fish. "Where did you get the fish? Bear asked Fox. "I caught them," lied the Fox without blinking an eye. She was embarrassed that Bear, the mighty king of forest, had caught him stealing. "How did you catch them?" asked Bear. “There is lots and lots of cold snow everywhere and the lake is frozen solid!" The cunning Fox went on telling lies, "I have a special way: Ice fishing" "Those fish really look and smell good," said hungry Bear. “Will you share them with me? "No," said Fox, unwilling to share her swag, “you will have to catch your own.” "I sure would like to have some sweet, sweet fish like that," said Bear. "Would you teach me your special way for catching fish through the ice?" he asked as politely as he could. Then he wagged his tail again. Fox didn't want to go to the lake with Bear for fear of being caught by the old fisherman whose fish Fox had stolen. And she was tired of the way that Bear kept wagging his tail at her, so, she made up another fib to tell Bear. "Ice fishing is quite easy," Fox told Bear. “You simply have to cut a hole in the ice and sit down so your tail hangs in the water. But, you have to keep your tail in the water for a very long time." "Don't worry if your tail starts to hurt a little. It just means that the fish are biting. The longer you keep your long beautiful tail in the water, the more fish you will catch. And the more it will hurt, the bigger the biting fish will be. When you find that you can't move your tail at all that means that the fish are ready to pull up. Stand up quickly and pull your tail out as fast as you can." Oh, my, that sly Fox could lie! "Thank you," said Bear, in a friendly way and wagged his long tail all the way to the frozen lake. Bear found a good fishing place between two stones and made a hole in the ice with his sharp, long claws. He looked quite happy with himself. Then he smiled and took his long tail in his paws and wiggled down to put his tail into the icy water. It did not feel good at all, but he was willing to be uncomfortable to catch a lot of savoury fish to eat. Bear sat with his tail in the water so long that the water began to freeze around his tail. It began to hurt. But, Bear remembered that Fox had said the more it hurt the bigger the fish would be. He sat for so long that the ice froze solidly around his tail. When Bear realized that he could no longer move his tail, he thought it was time to quickly pull his tail out of the cold water. With a sudden jump he stood up and pulled his tail from where there once had been a hole in the ice. Bears are very strong, so when he stood up fast, his tail was pulled right off and was still stuck in the ice. So Bear didn't get any fish, and he even lost his long, beautiful tail. Bear was left with a little stump of a tail. He was upset that Fox had tricked him in such a mean way. Ever since that day, bears have been grumpy at other animals and they no longer take part in the annual Fur and tail –competition because they now have stumpy tails. Finish fableHow Bear Lost His Tail Not so long ago bears, the mighty kings of forest, used to be friendly to everyone. Whenever another animal came near, they would wag their long, beautiful, furry tails in a friendly manner. Every autumn, just before the time of hibernation, the animals of the forest gathered together to have the annual Fur and tail –competition, which Bear would win year after year with his thick, furry tail. This made Fox feel very envy because her tail was just as beautiful and furry as Bears’ tail, it just wasn’t long enough to cause competition between the two of them. One bright and cold winter day, an old fisherman had left a number of fish hanging on a string in the water to keep them fresh. An agile, sly Fox saw those tasty fish and stole them when the fisherman wasn't looking. On her way to her den Fox saw Bear, who had woken from his hibernation, sitting by the trail. Bear saw Fox and wagged his tail in a friendly way. Having woken from the hibernation he was feeling very hungry and he sure liked the smell of those savoury fresh fish. "Where did you get the fish? Bear asked Fox. "I caught them," lied the Fox without blinking an eye. She was embarrassed that Bear, the mighty king of forest, had caught him stealing. "How did you catch them?" asked Bear. “There is lots and lots of cold snow everywhere and the lake is frozen solid!" The cunning Fox went on telling lies, "I have a special way: Ice fishing" "Those fish really look and smell good," said hungry Bear. “Will you share them with me? "No," said Fox, unwilling to share her swag, “you will have to catch your own.” "I sure would like to have some sweet, sweet fish like that," said Bear. "Would you teach me your special way for catching fish through the ice?" he asked as politely as he could. Then he wagged his tail again. Fox didn't want to go to the lake with Bear for fear of being caught by the old fisherman whose fish Fox had stolen. And she was tired of the way that Bear kept wagging his tail at her, so, she made up another fib to tell Bear. "Ice fishing is quite easy," Fox told Bear. “You simply have to cut a hole in the ice and sit down so your tail hangs in the water. But, you have to keep your tail in the water for a very long time." "Don't worry if your tail starts to hurt a little. It just means that the fish are biting. The longer you keep your long beautiful tail in the water, the more fish you will catch. And the more it will hurt, the bigger the biting fish will be. When you find that you can't move your tail at all that means that the fish are ready to pull up. Stand up quickly and pull your tail out as fast as you can." Oh, my, that sly Fox could lie! "Thank you," said Bear, in a friendly way and wagged his long tail all the way to the frozen lake. Bear found a good fishing place between two stones and made a hole in the ice with his sharp, long claws. He looked quite happy with himself. Then he smiled and took his long tail in his paws and wiggled down to put his tail into the icy water. It did not feel good at all, but he was willing to be uncomfortable to catch a lot of savoury fish to eat. Bear sat with his tail in the water so long that the water began to freeze around his tail. It began to hurt. But, Bear remembered that Fox had said the more it hurt the bigger the fish would be. He sat for so long that the ice froze solidly around his tail. When Bear realized that he could no longer move his tail, he thought it was time to quickly pull his tail out of the cold water. With a sudden jump he stood up and pulled his tail from where there once had been a hole in the ice. Bears are very strong, so when he stood up fast, his tail was pulled right off and was still stuck in the ice. So Bear didn't get any fish, and he even lost his long, beautiful tail. Bear was left with a little stump of a tail. He was upset that Fox had tricked him in such a mean way. Ever since that day, bears have been grumpy at other animals and they no longer take part in the annual Fur and tail –competition because they now have stumpy tails.

Finish fable

       Jenny Green Teeth

Once upon a time in the cold North of England there was a family who lived in a small cottage. There was a mother, a father, a son, a daughter, and a grandmother who everybody said was crazy. The family worked hard to survive with the mother and the children going out each day into the field to gather vegetables, whilst the father would go out each day to draw water from the well, gather wood and check the traps for rabbits and other creatures. The grandmother would tidy the house, sleep, and prepare the pots for food. During the summer the family were content and had much, but during the winter months when snow coved the whole land the family would often go hungry. One night when the family sat around the fire after a pitifully small meal, shadows dancing around the room, the young boy asked, “Why can we not catch fish from the river father?” Before the father could reply, the grandmother leaned forward in her rocking chair and slapped him around the back of his head. “Fool!” she cried. “Do you know nothing? Do you not listen to what you have been told. You must never go to the river – not unless you want to meet up with Jenny Green Teeth.” “Jenny Green Teeth?” questioned the boy, wondering whether he had ever been told about such a strange sounding person. “Who’s that?” “Who’s that, who’s that?” cackled the old lady. “Why she’d watch you and wait for you to get close to the water and then she’d drag you down to the bottom of the river and feed on your flesh and bones!” The boy laughed. Again the granny slapped him around the head. “Idiot! She has yellow eyes as big as saucers, green skin and green teeth as sharp as razors. She waits for anyone to get to close and then she grabs them. Chidler’s be her favourite though, on account of how young and juicy they is.” As winter went on the boy became discontented and not believing his grandmother, he decided that he would solve the family’s problems by going down to the river and catching some fish. So, he set out with a net that the family used for trapping, early one morning before anybody else was up. For hours he waited there without seeing any fish. Indeed he started to wonder if there were any fish. Then he saw a fish, stuck in some green weeds. Slowly he waded into the river and bent over to pick the fish up but the fish appeared to be well stuck. He pulled at the weeds with all his might until at last the weeds came out of the water. He watched sadly as the fish swam away. When he looked down at the weeds in hands he saw they were no weeds. Indeed, they were, green arms with long fingernails. Then he saw that they were attached to a body and face beneath the water which smiled at him with evil delight before it pulled him down into the water. In his head he heard the words:

Come into the water and bathe, my love

Come swim in the swirling pool

Come down in the deep with the rocks and the

bones You'll swim with me now, sweet fool...

      Madonna of Fountain
There are lots of legends and myths about water in Apulia.
Among these we would like to mention Francavilla Fontana’s legend
that talks about the origin of the town. Some say that on 14 August 1310, while the prince of Taranto Filippo D’ Angiò was hunting near Casalvetere village… a strange and unusual event happened. During the hunt, one of the Prince’s attendants, going into the wood, noticed the
presence of a deer that was drinking water from a spring. So he decided to kill the deer and take it to the prince. The hunter shot an arrow to hit the quarry, but then the arrow turned its head against
him to pierce him, instead of heading against the deer. The incomprehensible event made the man scream to call his mates’ attention and, when they came to the place with the Prince, they
realized that this inexplicable event was a supernatural sign. So the Prince ordered to thin out the vegetation all around the spring where the deer had been seen and the ruins of an old building came out together with an icon of the Virgin Mary next to it. The discovery was interpreted as the desire of the Virgin Mary to have in that point a church dedicated to her. So the Prince built a church right in that place in her honor and kept the image of the Virgin in that church. The church is still now in the city, after being restored. You can see that in the
picture. The Virgin was called “the Madonna of the Fountain”.
Surely all must have heard, at one time or another, the legend of the Lorely, and
the tales that fishermen tell of how she sits on the top of rocks, combing her hair,
singing songs of deception to lure in fishermen who meet their doom; indeed it is
said that as soon as a fisherman gazes into her eyes and forgets about the waves
around him, his fate is sealed and he is destined for the bottom of the Rhine - so
hypnotic is she.
Whilst she may have become a creature of deception, it was not always so. It is
said, the beautiful damsel used to be a friend to the fishermen, leading them to the
best fishing spots, and dragging their nets towards bountiful catches. Just to listen to
her and to follow her lead was to be rewarded. Oh, how grateful the fishermen were
back then, for the help of the lovely Loreley. Songs were sung across land and sea
about her beauty, kindness, and grace. Fame of her great deeds spread far and
Before long reports of the beautiful maiden’s great deeds found their way into
the the court of palatine and the heart of his son who was seized by a deep desire
for the mysterious young woman. Always did he think of her, losing many hours of
sleep to the vision of her that resided in his head and in his heart. He longed for the
day he would see her and dared to dream of the day he might escort her into the
court, when he would surely be the envy of all other men.
It was around this time, when he pined and allowed his mind to wander always to
places with his beloved in, that he decided to go on a fishing trip in the hope of
seeing fair Lorely. His men took him in a small boat down the Rhine to a place where
she often appeared on the rocks. The young gentelman was anxious and questioned
them continuously, seeking assurances that she would reveal herself to them.
"Wait until the sun goes down", they advised the young count, "usually she appears
on the rock around that time".
Having rowed into the middle of the regal river, the young man and his crew,
waited for many hours, daring not to move for fear of missing her. Then, as the sun
sent great beams of celestial light across the accepting sky, Lorely appeared and
started to comb her long hair, which glittered and sparkled as though it were made
of a million stars which had fallen from their great and lofty positions high above.
Like a stargazer captivated by the stars that burn above him, the young palatine was
in awe of the magical creature in front of him. When the sweet notes of her
otherworldly harmony hit his ears, he was truly lost. He had to be with her, she had
to be his or all else in that world that had before seemed so vital would be worthless.
Thus, he ordered the boatsmen to take him immediately to the bank, but he had
hardly the stomach to wait until he reached the shore. Indeed, so eager was he to
disembark and be with his beloved, that as the boat neared the shore he took a
mistimed leap of love. Down he fell into the belly of the Rhine, which welcomed him
in greedily and swept him away.
Like an ill-tempered wind sweeping across an exposed valley, it did not take long
for news of his son’s demise to reach the ears of the palatine. The news was like
poison to old man’s soul and it twisted inside him, giving birth to hate, blame, and
vengeance, and his fury was directed towards Loreley. An army was gathered, an
army that was ordered to, "Catch the witch and bring her here, be she dead or alive
- I care not!".
"Let us then throw her into the Rhine so that she drowns in the floods just like your
son", the captain suggested, "for if she really be a witch, so too shall she easily
escape from the dungeon".
Of course the now bitter palatine agreed and the captain set out in search of
Loreley with a small band of men. As evening appraoched relcutantly, the men
surrounded the rock where Lorely sat playing an amber string and singing her
enchanting melody. When she saw the men climbing up with their weapons she
stopped and questioned them, asking, "Who do you seek, mighty lords?"
"Why, it's you we seek, vile hag" retorted the captain, stepping forward. - "You shall
die a fitting death on this eve’ so that your voice shall never decieve again, nor send
another man into madness and the death’s arms".
Lorely considered them for a second, recognising the ill-will they bore her. Then the
young woman laughed, shook her blonde mane, threw the amber string over the
edge into the Rhine and sang a mysterious melody:
"Father, come here and send your child white horses on the waves to ride"
The palatine's soldiers were struck down by her haunting sounds and found
themselves powerless to act in the face of them. As the song finished, a mighty
storm, the likes of which they had never before witnessed, fumed over the rock. The
water in the Rhine was stirred up and the river rose; the undaunted damsel stood on
the abyss and laughed about the furious river. All of a sudden, the crests of two
huge waves rushed up to the crag, seized Loreley and carried her into the depth of
the river. It was at that moment that it dawned on the captain that the beautiful
woman was a mermaid who could not be harmed by human hand. They returned to
the palatine's court to bear the news but to their utmost surprise the first person
they met was the young count who had survived his fall into the Rhine because a
wave had washed him up to the shore a short way downstream.
Loreley, however, had vanished forever since that day. People say that she still lives
on the rock which was named after her but she keeps out of sight and her voice has
stopped delighting those who sail by ever since.
         The plait of princess Wisła 
Long, long time ago near Barania Góra mountain, a father lived
with his beautiful daughter -princess called Wisła. Her eyes were blue like the sky, her smile was lovely like morning and the voice like a nightingale’s song. Besides that the nature gave her the most beautiful plait in the world. It was long to the princess’s feet. The old king was very proud of his brilliant daughter. One day a brave prince came to the castle. When he saw Wisełka’s wonderful and golden hair he fell in love. – Your plait is amazing – he kept saying and looking at her. - When I come back from a distant expedition I will immediately ask the king if I can marry you, we will get married and make a lovely wedding. – You will see remote countries – whispered the princess. - You will meet many beautiful women, you will forget me … - I will never forget your plait- he smiled, jumped onto his horse and ran away. The princess missed her beloved and expected his return. She often climbed up the stairs in the tower and looked far. Every day, she brushed her gold plait and made it again to do it more wonderful for the prince’s return. The days and weeks have gone… The princess became sadder and paler. She even didn’t notice that for a long time there wasn’t any rain. One morning she was woken up by crying of children and women
who were begging the king for help. At that moment she could see everything clear. She could see drying forests and dying animals. She was terrified. – I will go to the witch – she decided and without any delay she went there. An old and wise witch lived in the cave near the high mountain. –This is my advice- she said and looked into the blue eyes of the princess. – if you would like to rescue this land, you will have to climb on top of Barania Góra, cut your beautiful plait and throw it in front of you. The princess was scared. The plait? All her proud and hope? What will the prince say about it? – You will do as you want. – said the fortune-teller- but you have to make a decision now. The princess didn’t think long. She took scissors and ran quickly to the top of the mountain. There she cut the plait and threw it on the waterless land. The gold tress moved among the stones. When the blue tear of princess fell on the rocks it changed into a river which went to the sea. The dying land was alive again, forests became green, meadows covered with flowers, birds started singing. When the princess came back to the palace the old king with tears in his eyes hugged her to his heart. – I’ve always been proud of your gold plait, dear daughter – but I am more happy now because of your gold heart. In the evening the princess looked into the mirror. – My love won’t recognize me – she said. I will never show him my face- and she did how she decided. When the prince came to the castle, she hid in her room. At that moment she heard knocking on the door. - Don’t hide my love – she heard. – You returned life to this land. Princess of gold heart, be my wife! Wisełka lived happily for a long time with her beloved. The river was called with her name and it still flows through Polish land and remembers the story about the beautiful and good princess.
Long time ago when fairies lived on these islands, their beautiful clothes and their golden hair twinkled in the sunshine. The people who were rowing with their boats around the islands could not have enough of wonder. Many of them even could hear their voice as their songs were brought by the rumbling of the forest and the water splash. The fairies loved the poor very much. They showed the fishermen those fishnests where they can catch more fish. Their golden hair remained in the combs was thrown into the river Danube, and the fairies led the gold -washers to the places where they could find gold. They also saved those ones who got in trouble with their boats in whirlpools. There was a fairy who was called Rózsika, she loved the peolpe the best. She always wanted to live among the people. One day the land of the fairies was over because they moved away. Only little Rózsika did not want to go with them so she begged the wonderful fairy princess, Tündér Ilona to let her stay among her loved people. Tündér Ilona said: -You cannot stay here as a fairy but I can change you into a flower, that is all I can
do for you. -Little Rózsika accepted it just to be with the people. So Tündér Ilona changed her into a beautiful water lilly and since then wonderful white petalled water lilly has been blooming on the surface of the backwaters to delight our hearts and souls.And the little fairy-girl’s love coming from inside the flower has been smiling upon the people . It is said in Csallóköz, that the other fairies did not want to break away from the people either.Tündér Ilona changed into a yellow iris to be get closer to her sister Rózsika.The rest of the fairies became flowers too, one of them changed into a marsh marigold, the other was a dandelion, some of them changed into violets, lillies of the valley, forgetme-nots, cornflowers or poppies. Even today the blooming meadow is still amazing, thanks to them.


Similarities and Differences Between Francavilla Legend and Hungarian Tales

Out of Hungarian tales the best to compare with Francavilla Legend is the Tale of The Magic Deer (Rege a Csodaszarvasról). This story is about how the ancestors of Hungarians found their beautiful territory.

First of all we can easily see that both tales are tales of origin. Secondly both deal with deers. Our tale is about a great lord, Nimród and his two sons, Hunor and Magyar. All three of them loved hunting and once the boys were on a trip and hunted many animals they saw a wonderful deer with white hair, brilliant eyes, and magnificent antler. They wanted to take the stag home to their mother. All day long they followed the animal which led them to an amazing place, their new home.

There is one important difference. In our tale the boys don’t want to kill the deer, just take it home. We can say that there are some similarities among the tales, but not much. The Italian one is in connection with religion while the Hungarian isn’t and our tale goes back to an earlier date. But both of them deal with the foundation of something with the magical help of a magical deer.

Similarities and Differences Between Jenny Green Teeth and Hungarian Tales

It is quite difficult to compare any Hungarian tales with this British one. The first thing that came into my mind while I was reading was that there is no Hungarian tale in which the main character dies. But still there are a few similarities.

The first thing I would like to mention is form. In Hungary, we have the same beginning for tails as the “Once upon a time…”, it says: “Egyszer volt, hol nem volt….”.

Secondly there is a Hungarian tale, The Boy Who Shouted “Wolf” (A fiú, aki farkast kiáltott), and this tale’s main message is quite similar to the one of Jenny Green Teeth. The story is about a boy, who is a shepherd and while working, he becomes very bored so shouts for help because the wolf is coming. All the men from the village come for his help, but of course there is no wolf and the boy has great fun. The men tell him that stop lying, because they won’t believe him anymore, even if a real wolf attacks. Later the boy repeats his cheat and the men come again and tell him to stop it. After his second trick the wolf actually comes and attacks the herd. The boy shouts as loud as he can, but all the men just flick and say he must be joking. At the end the boy loses the herd. The message of this is that you shouldn’t lie and you should take the advice of the elderly. The message of Jenny Green Teeth is also the same, that you shouldn’t laugh at the old people and you should take the advices of the adults.

Similarities and Differences Between Egle, the Queen of the Grass and Hungarian Tales

This tale is the most similar to Hungarian tales. There are the magical numbers of twelve and three which are also used in our tales; the situation of a family like this, old parents and a lot of children of whom the youngest is the main character; the formula of a young and beautiful girl falling in love with an animal who later becomes a very handsome man; the three tasks; an old, ugly but wise helper (usually a woman) and the deserved punishment.

I can’t mention one tale in which there are all these features, but these are the ones that are typical for Hungarian tales too.

Similarities and Differences Between The Plait of Princess Wisła and Hungarian Tales

This tale could be a Hungarian tale as well. In Hungarian tales if the mail character is a girl, she is usually someone who looks like Wisła. The story is a romantic one which ends with the deserved happiness of the girl. I can’t mention one exact tale which deals with the same topic, but there are elements that can be found in Hungarian tales as well.

First of all the character of the girl; her beauty, her hair color and kindness can also be found in our tales. Secondly, the fact that she has to make herself less beautiful to save someone or something else, so the altruism itself; the family of a proud father and his wonderful daughter or the help of a wise witch. Last but not least the handsome lover, who returns to his beloved is also a popular element of Hungarian tales.

Similarities and Differences Between How Bear Lost His Tail and Hungarian Tales

Many of us have already heard this story or a version of it. This is a didactic tale, so it teaches us how to behave and how not to behave. The basis of the comparison is the message and the characters, because these can be found somehow in our tales.

In Hungarian tales bear is usually the embodiment of wisdom, kindness and domination. Fox is usually the shifty, mean and dishonest figure in our tales. In this story, the characters are quite the same. But not just the characters, the story’s message is there in our ones, which is that you shouldn’t boast and be pompous because you can easily be gulled.

Similarities and Differences Between The Legend of Loreley and Hungarian Tales

The Hungarian tale, Tündérrózsa is quite similar to the story of Loreley. The main character is a mysterious and wonderful woman, living close to water, helping fishermen and sailors. Both women have beautiful hair and both of them have to suffer somehow.

The differences are that Tündérrózsa lives in the form of a flower and she doesn’t hurt anyone while Loreley does and Loreley feels disillusionment while Tündérrózsa still loves people.

Similarities and Differences Between Breogan’s Tower and Hungarian Tales

The comparison of Breogan’s Tower and Hungarian tales is nearly impossible. There is quite nothing similar.

The only thing that can be mentioned is the topic. This tale is about the discovery of a new land. There is a story in connection with the territory of nowadays’ Hungary. This story is the continuation of the Tale of the Magic Deer, the story mentioned in our analysis of the Italian tale. The title of it is The Huns searching for a homeland (A hunok hazát keresnek).

The basic story is that the land where the Magic Deer led our ancestors became too small and one of the brothers’ (Hunor’s) people, the huns went for a search for a new homeland with their leader Attila. They had to fight many nations until they found the territory of nowadays’ Hungary. But then the Roman Empire had that land who wanted the huns to pay taxes in gold for living there. Attila messaged that he won’t pay in gold but in iron and he himself will bring it to them. He did so and after a great attack, he acquired the land and said: “This land remains my nation’s land till the end of time!”

The only similarity is the search for new land.

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